Sustainable SANKO

Sustainability Policy

With the Organization’s visions and value of producing quality goods, delivering the products on time and satisfying the customers as much as possible under the challenges of unstable economic situation, the Company is well aware of the roles, duties and responsibilities to the environment, society and the good corporate governance. The Company spent its resources in researching and developing creative innovations to increase the production output as well as improving the quality. The Company must also manage the risks and develop the abilities of the members of staffs and treat its partners, communities and all stake holders dutifully, ethically and on the basis of fairness and honesty. This is the mantle of ‘Sustainable SANKO’ that covers all aspects of the Organization.

SANKO Sustainable Quality Management Framework

SANKO Sustainable Quality



Sustainability Strategies

With the vision, values and the policies on corporate social responsibility and sustainable organization, the Company had established its sustainable development strategies through risks management process and evaluates the effects on the stakeholders thoroughly. The Company had assigned key indexes that can track and evaluate the performance of the operation both economically, socially and environmentally, and can also completely refer the goals to the Executives and the staffs as follows;

1. ‘Human resource development’ creating competent and skillful workers.

The Company assigned core competency that conforms with the development strategies and the visions of the Organization as the foundation for all members to follow, as well as establishing clear jobs descriptions and qualifications so that the workers can easily where they should develop their skills. Moreover, the Company provides training courses for developing mental strengths, behaviors, and strictly enforcing the rules and regulations related. This helps the workers to be more skilled, enjoy the environment both at work and in the community.

2. Work Life Balance

The Company understands the workers’ work life balance will result in healthier living and better productivity. The Company has created the system that will support the good work life balance for the members in the Organization for the ultimate goal of creating lasting happiness and sharing the positivity to the community.

3. Creating trusts for the stakeholders

The Company treats its stakeholders fairly, upholding the principle of good governance, paying attention to all possible consequences from the operation as well as listening to the opinions of all stakeholders both internally and externally through various meetings and committees such as the Safety Committee, Welfare Committee, Community Support Committee, open opinion box and etc, in order to incorporate these ideas into mutually beneficial strategies. The Company also transparently reveals its operational data for business, environmental management, human resource development which are all accountable and can be evaluated through the annual report, sustainability report, forums and Company’s websites.

Sustainable Development

The Company is aware of the sustainable development issue and had emphasized greatly on subjects that are relevant to this matter. The Company had discussed thoroughly with all the stakeholders both internally and externally which are, the Board of Directors, Executives, employees, shareholders and trade partners, through several meetings, visits, customers surveys and internal polls, as well as raising the issue of risks in business operation to gather relevant information and prioritize the core factors which contribute to the sustainable development of the Company. This is so that the Company can appropriately respond to the demands and expectations of the stakeholders and in-line with the business operation.

The Company had also studied and taken into account the core principle of sustainability from the Global Reporting Initiative – GRI G4 and had used the material to evaluate its own methods.

Key Factors for Sustainable Development (2024)

Key Factors for Sustainable Development (2024)